OS Command Execution

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20141218-1 >


title: OS Command Execution

product: GParted - Gnome Partition Editor

vulnerable version: <=0.14.1

fixed version: >=0.15.0,

<=0.14.1 with fix for CVE-2014-7208 applied

CVE number: CVE-2014-7208

impact: medium

homepage: gparted.org

found: 2014-07

by: W. Ettlinger

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab




Vendor description:


"GParted is a free partition editor for graphically managing your disk



With GParted you can resize, copy, and move partitions without data

loss, enabling you to:

* Grow or shrink your C: drive

* Create space for new operating systems

* Attempt data rescue from lost partitions"


URL: gparted.org/index.php



Vulnerability overview/description:


Gparted <=0.14.1 does not properly sanitize strings before passing

them as parameters to an OS command. Those commands are executed

using root privileges.


Parameters that are being used for OS commands in Gparted are normally

determined by the user (e.g. disk labels, mount points). However, under

certain circumstances, an attacker can use an external storage device to

inject command parameters. These circumstances are met if for example an

automounter uses a filesystem label as part of the mount path.


Please note that GParted versions before 0.15 are still being used

in distributions. E.g Debian Wheezy is vulnerable to this issue before

applying the patches.



Proof of concept:


The following command creates a malicious filesystem.


# mkfs.ext2 -L "\`reboot\`" /dev/sdXX


When this filesystem is mounted by an automounter to a mountpoint

containing the filesystem label and the user tries to unmount this filesystem

using GParted, the system reboots.


Vulnerable / tested versions:


Gparted versions <=0.14.1 were found to be vulnerable.



Vendor contact timeline:


2014-10-29: Contacting maintainer (Curtis Gedak) through

gedakc AT users DOT sf DOT net

2014-10-29: Initial response from maintainer offering encryption

2014-10-30: Sending encrypted advisory

2014-10-30: Maintainer confirms the behaviour, will be investigated


2014-11-04: Maintainer sends initial patches

2014-11-05: Giving a few notes on the patches

2014-11-05: Maintainer clarifies a few concerns with the patches;

Forwards patches to Mike Fleetwood for review

2014-11-08: Review shows that the patches cause functional

problems; proposes further procedure

2014-11-08: Maintainer proposes a different patching approach

2014-11-08: Reviewer shows concerns with this approach, opens

a security bug (1171909) with Fedora (in accordance with

their Security Tracking Bugs procedure);

Red Hat creates tracking bug 1172549

2014-11-15: New patches for several versions

2014-11-23: Maintainer sends vulnerability information to Debian

2014-11-29: Debian Security Team responds, asks for embargo date and

CVE number

2014-11-30: Release date set to 2014-12-18

2014-12-11: Mailing list linux-distros AT vs DOT openwall DOT org informed

2014-12-11: Writing that embargo may be lifted, SEC Consult will release

advisory on 2014-12-18

2014-12-18: Coordinated release of security advisory





Update GParted to version >= 0.15.0 or apply security patches for




Advisory URL:






SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab


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EOF W. Ettlinger / @2014