from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from Crypto.Random import random
from hashlib import sha256
from collections import namedtuple
Point = namedtuple("Point", "x y")
def point_addition(P, Q):
Rx = (P.x*Q.x + D*P.y*Q.y) % p
Ry = (P.x*Q.y + P.y*Q.x) % p
return Point(Rx, Ry)
def scalar_multiplication(P, n):
Q = Point(1, 0)
while n > 0:
if n % 2 == 1:
Q = point_addition(Q, P)
P = point_addition(P, P)
n = n//2
return Q
def gen_keypair():
private = random.randint(1, p-1)
public = scalar_multiplication(G, private)
return (public, private)
def gen_shared_secret(P, d):
return scalar_multiplication(P, d).x
def encrypt_flag(shared_secret: int, flag: bytes):
key = sha256(long_to_bytes(sab)).digest()
# Encrypt flag
nonce = os.urandom(16)
cipher =, AES.MODE_SIV, nonce)
ctxt, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(flag)
# Prepare data to send
data = {}
data['nonce'] = nonce.hex()
data['ctxt'] = ctxt.hex()
data['tag'] = tag.hex()
return data
def decrypt_flag(shared_secret, ctxt, nonce, tag):
key = sha256(long_to_bytes(sab)).digest()
ctxt = bytes.fromhex(ctxt)
nonce = bytes.fromhex(nonce)
tag = bytes.fromhex(tag)
cipher =, AES.MODE_SIV, nonce)
ptxt = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ctxt, tag)
return ptxt
print("Wrong data!")
p = 65058822587253916768083374249215630934917653029680133220444494211758557321921
D = 3141592
G = Point(58812305942798333300558189583390676334049806192380385399780663328904901530328,
pa = Point(x=1772868614035089622587328363862787386270978372297334698356741181946717430365, y=50363499595447778843503186760858925579193639138718578554151885777243837204919)
pb = Point(x=35395268437937032965093933470191862772891875655827096404006826016182618223902, y=2791282314116473888571201731177111096246008612047684817487077188227349832759)
encrypted_message = {'nonce': '480a554d8a67f993cb24d5a31b0caa8f', 'ctxt': 'cdf215f9c48159c4cfdd019747e0087649897383e85016793700a3b5971e6e037b7a323a1da45d2230d66a03714315489d8b0b64', 'tag': 'c292dd3b71aa884034ba271505362ab9'}
Got it?
If you are stuck - Alfred Menezes will give you a little hint!
"flag format: sec-consult{??????????????}"
We wish you good luck!
You are interested if you found the right solution? Come back- we will publish the result on Thursday, March 18, 2021!
This challenge was inspired by Cryptohack, an incredible platform for learning modern cryptography!