To successfully fight cybercrime, there is no other way except global cooperation, international exchange and information disclosure.
Crime is more and more shifting from the physical realm to the cyber world. Data is the new currency and therefore also the target of attackers. By analysing threats and global data, INTERPOL has observed three cybercrime megatrends: Cyber bank robbery, Ransomware as well as IoT- and DDoS attacks. The good news is, physical bank robbery incidents worldwide decreased since the last 20 years. In the UK for example, from 847 cases in 1992 to only 88 cases in 2014, including attempts as well. On the other hand, cyber bank robbery and online banking frauds have recently become a rising topic. Combined with familiar threats like business email compromise (BEC) these threats are a constant danger for enterprises, especially for the financial sector. Meanwhile, volatile cryptocurrencies are disrupting the threat landscape as their value steeply and quickly rose.