Multiple critical vulnerabilities in VOXTRONIC voxlog professional

SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20120220-0 >


title: Multiple critical vulnerabilities

product: VOXTRONIC voxlog professional - voice recording solution

vulnerable version: VOXTRONIC voxlog professional <= (webclient


fixed version: unknown

impact: critical


found: 2010-08-24 && 2010-09-22

by: J. Greil / SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab



Vendor description:


"VOXTRONIC is a supplier and global leader in the field of digital speech

and data recordings and their analysis, and as a developer is setting

the standard for safety-relevant solutions for industry, commerce and

local authorities."





Vulnerability overview/description:


Voxlog professional suffers from multiple critical vulnerabilities. The

flaws have been confirmed at two independent installations. As only a

very short test has been performed, many more flaws are to be expected:


1) Unauthenticated file disclosure vulnerability

The "get.php" functionality of the web interface of voxlog professional

allows an attacker to read arbitrary files from the operating system,

such as config files or other sensitive voxlog files and voice



A valid web interface user account is _not_ necessary to exploit this flaw!



2) Unauthenticated SQL injection & command execution

The web interface suffers from multiple SQL injection flaws, e.g. in


As the voxlog professional installations use Microsoft SQL server with

"sa" account, command execution through the "xp_cmdshell" stored

procedure is possible.


An attacker gains access to all stored sensitive voice recordings

and is able to take over the whole OS with "SYSTEM" rights.


A valid web interface user account is _not_ necessary to exploit this flaw!



3) Weak default accounts for OS and web interface

Two independent installations have been tested and the same standard

user accounts were found.


The operating system, where voxlog professional comes preinstalled,

has three different accounts with very weak passwords, at least one

of them with local administrative rights.


The web interface has a default administrator account with a very weak



An attacker gains access to all stored sensitive voice recordings

through either that web interface or the OS accounts and is able

to take over the whole OS with admin rights.



Proof of concept:


1) File disclosure, retrieve C:\boot.ini

http:// $host/voxlog/GET.PHP?v=ZmlsZT1DOi9ib290LmluaQ==


Voxlog also uses a "session" and "user" parameter (besides the "file"

parameter) base64-encoded within the "v" parameter for "GET.PHP",

but those values are not checked and can be removed for exploitation.



2) SQL injection

http:// $host/voxlog/sysstat/userlogdetail.php?load=1&idclient[1]=xxx); waitfor delay '0:0:5' --+

http:// $host/voxlog/sysstat/userlogdetail.php?load=1&idclient[1]=xxx); exec master..xp_cmdshell 'xxxxx' --+



3) Default user accounts, usernames:

OS: voxctadmin, voxctsystem, voxctuser

Web interface: admin, user



Vulnerable / tested versions:


voxlog professional v3.7.2.729 (version of webclient)

voxlog professional v3.7.0.633 (version of webclient)


It is assumed that older or also newer versions are affected. Further version

numbers couldn't be verified.



Vendor contact timeline:


2011-02-03: Contacting vendor through, asking for

security contact, attaching responsible disclosure policy

2011-02-11: Sent another email as no one replied. Proposing public

disclosure date

2011-02-12: Vendor replied

2011-02-14: Sending security advisory to given contact

2011-02-15: Vendor reply: checking vulnerabilities in latest version

2011-03-18: Meeting

2011-04-21: Contacting via telephone again

2012-02-20: Release of advisory as vendor is not responsive





Customers of Voxlog should contact the vendor regarding security patches as

they are not publicly available.





Restrict access to the whole server as much as possible. Only allow

trusted IP addresses and users in order to minimise attack surface.


Change the default accounts immediately and implement a strict

password policy.



Advisory URL:





SEC Consult Unternehmensberatung GmbH


Office Vienna

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A-1190 Vienna



Tel.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 0

Fax.: +43 / 1 / 890 30 43 - 25

Mail: research at sec-consult dot com


EOF J. Greil / @2012